For first to get started, please read who we are and what our options have in page “About Us”
VenusMusicOfficial to offers three paid options for cooperation:
- For FREE – you can to sent your audio, video, ideas, film cut and maybe we are to choosed it for our final work. This is because we need a non-stop for publication of audiovisual content. You can send to us your masterpice for free (sending form)
- Upload your full ended videoclip and to publicate for desired special date = USD $200 Good for release of your album of audiotracks on a certain date.
- Own special video selection from our video database for your audio; no option from you, only our opinion; You trust by our choice and to publicate for desired special date = USD $400 Main audio of some your album release needs for official video. We can to help with this.
- Full videoclip cycle create project with your or our screenplay (scenario), collaborate or only your ideas, but our cinema shooting, editing. etc = USD $1000 (but this price only without additional costs like a fee of actors, rent of location, properties and other things proceeding from the conceived idea). Finished artwork-video you can publish as we have on our YouTube channel or desired place on Internet.
Interested? Apply to “Contacts” page